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has no limits

PixelVoxel provides everyone with an opportunity to create voxel art in the sky of any part of the world. There are no restrictions on the images that can be created in the sky; that’s why it’s called skygraffiti. Skygraffiti can be created in two ways: by drawing with the provided colors or by uploading an image that will be converted to voxel art. People can use PixelVoxel to wish their friends a happy birthday, prank someone with funny pictures, launch their first voxel art exhibition, or post an advertisement for their product - the possibilities are countless.

From Skygrafitti to NFT

PixelVoxel functionality is not limited to creating content in the sky. It also provides users with the ability to mint an NFT from their skygraffiti right inside PixelVoxel.

This way, users can perpetuate their artwork by putting it on the blockchain. The minted NFT will contain all the information about the exact time of the artwork’s placement and location.

The minted NFT may further be used as an art piece, commemorative, or as a graffiti tag, to prove the authorship of that exact skygraffiti.

Basically, you can create voxel art, make it your own by converting it into an NFT and share it with everyone!

NFT Collection

PixelVoxel is a community-driven product and is most successful when the community members reach their desired goals by using it.

With that in mind, an NFT collection of PixelVoxels was created to incentivize the most loyal product users.

The collection consists of 255 basic colors that can be used to create skygraffiti in PixelVoxel. Using the colors to create skygraffiti is free, but holders of the color NFTs earn crypto every time a skygraffiti containing their color is used for commercial purposes.

The evolution of PixelVoxel will open up new perspectives for both NFT color holders and users by expanding the community, issuing new NFT collections and adding new features to the product.

From Skygrafitti to NFT

PixelVoxel functionality is not limited to creating content in the sky. It also provides users with the ability to mint an NFT from their skygraffiti right inside PixelVoxel.

This way, users can perpetuate their artwork by putting it on the blockchain. The minted NFT will contain all the information about the exact time of the artwork’s placement and location.

The minted NFT may further be used as an art piece, commemorative, or as a graffiti tag, to prove the authorship of that exact skygraffiti.

Basically, you can create voxel art, make it your own by converting it into an NFT and share it with everyone!

NFT Collection

PixelVoxel is a community-driven product and is most successful when the community members reach their desired goals by using it.

With that in mind, an NFT collection of PixelVoxels was created to incentivize the most loyal product users.

The collection consists of 255 basic colors that can be used to create skygraffiti in PixelVoxel. Using the colors to create skygraffiti is free, but holders of the color NFTs earn crypto every time a skygraffiti containing their color is used for commercial purposes.

The evolution of PixelVoxel will open up new perspectives for both NFT color holders and users by expanding the community, issuing new NFT collections and adding new features to the product.

Become a part
of Voxelfamily and
explore the sky

P1 P2 P3 P4

P1 Q1 2022

App launch, simple drawing from the app, beta launch for the Spheroid community

P1 Q1 2022

Drawing from a browser-based application, publishing functionality released

P1 Q2 2022

Skygraffiti voting and ranking mechanism, publishing skygraffiti on multiple spaces

P1 Q2 2022

Major improvements (larger observation area, better performance), Skygraffiti animation added


Website launch, discord launch, global marketing campaign launch


Advanced drawing from mobile apps, start of public sales of NFT collection on OpenSea


Pre-sale of PixelVoxel collection of 255 mono-colored NFTs used in the project


Drawing widget integration with, start of public sales


Open call for artists and global art competition announcement


Exhibition of art contest winners at one of the top modern art museums in the world


Skygraffiti minting on Polygon, daily challenges and statistics released


Leaderboards and Hall of Fame launch, animated GIF skygraffiti, art contest winners reveal


Collaboration announcements, skygraffiti purchases from app


Launch of, skygraffiti gallery, announcement of the second NFT collection


Ads manager integration with PixelVoxel’s sky, minting of second-gen PV NFTs, voxelDAO launch

Participate in contests,
publish ads, promote
your projects
and have fun





















has no limits

Become a part
of Voxelfamily and
explore the sky

Participate in contests,
publish ads, promote
your projects
and have fun

How to skygraffiti

step 1

Enter the Ecosystem

Go to Spheroid Universe

step 2

Create an Account

You can create skygraffiti without an account, but you should create one for a full experience.

step 3

Choose a Space

Find a perfect location for your skygraffiti.

step 4

Select a grid size

Choose one of the grid size options. Note that the 64x64 size is only available to authorized users.

Step 5

Draw or upload an image

There are two skygraffiti creation options: you can draw it manually or just upload an image that will be converted into voxel art.

Step 6

Publish your skygraffiti

Click "Publish" to share it with your friends!

Step 7

See your artwork in the sky

You and PixelVoxel users can observe your skygraffiti by opening the app in a specific location and pointing the camera at the sky.

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